NATO M&S as a Service

Allied Framework for Modelling and Simulation as a Service (MSaaS)


Vision & Goals

The MSaaS vision is that M&S products, data and processes are conveniently accessible and available on-demand to all users in order to enhance operational effectiveness.

The goals of MSaaS are (1) to enable credible and effective M&S services, (2) to make M&S services available on-demand to a large number of users, (3) to make M&S Services available in an efficient and cost-effective way and (4) to provide the required level of agility to enable convenient and rapid integration of capabilities.

Establishing an Allied Framework for Modelling and Simulation as a Service requires effective operating procedures, processes, and standards for managing the lifecycle of services, service acquisitions, service components and registries, service providers, and service consumers. MSaaS is defined by the MSaaS Operational Concept Document, the MSaaS Technical Reference Architecture and Standard Operating Procedures.

Operational Concept Document

Intended use, key capabilities and desired effects of MSaaS

Technical Reference Architecture

Architectural building blocks and patterns for realizing MSaaS capabilities

Engineering Process

Building Composed Simulation Services for MSaaS

An M&S service is a specific M&S-related capability delivered by a provider to one or more consumers according to well defined contracts including Service Level Agreements (SLA) and interfaces.

M&S as a Service (MSaaS) is an enterprise-level approach for discovery, composition, execution and management of M&S services.”

M&S as a Service (MSaaS) is a service-oriented concept that includes provision of M&S applications via the as-a-service model of cloud computing.

An MSaaS Implementation is the specific realization of M&S as a Service by a certain stakeholder and includes both technical and organizational aspects.

An MSaaS Solution Architecture is the architecture of a specific MSaaS implementation and is derived from the Operational Concept Document and the Technical Reference Architecture.


The MSaaS concept is developed and evolved by NMSG. NATO and national MSaaS implementation, verification & validation activities are conducted.

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